Lifestyle | Self-Improvement

Why You Will Never Be Successful

So simple yet easily overlooked

Neva Writes
3 min readNov 21, 2022


Photo by Afif Ramdhasuma on Unsplash

Here’s the short answer: without knowing what success means to you, you will never be successful no matter how “successful” you may seem to others.

How you define success will determine how successful you will be.

That’s it. How do you define success? You won’t be or feel successful if there is no core belief in what success means to you. Make this clear to yourself and stand by it.

So, if you haven’t taken a minute to consider what it truly means to you (without any outside influence on what it should be or look like), then that’s probably why you feel stuck questioning whether you are doing the right thing.

When we think of success, what comes to mind? It looks different to everyone, doesn’t it? This means that whether or not you appear successful to others will also differ.

According to Macmillan Dictionary, success is “The…



Neva Writes

A human-centered copywriter dedicated to understanding human and consumer behavior. For language learning content, check out: